Monday, December 31, 2007
no more sweets
Those of you who read my journal as I write these entrys all know and love Miss Tiny my puppy dog.
She has been feeling bad and having spells where she falls over and is unable to move. We calm her down by talking gently to her and she comes out of it.
We went to see Eric in Austin and when we got to his apartment (he lives on the second floor)...Tiny refused to go up the stairs. She just sat down and looked up at us and barked. So we picked her up and carried her up the stairs. She was short of breath from the walk from the car.,
Her stomach has grown huge. She is not pregnant. I took her to the vet this morning and she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition.
The doctor put her on heart medicine and a diretice....or however you spell is to help her pee. Any way she gave Tiny a shot also and she has been going alot since then.
The medicine is going to cost 79 dollars a month. I know this is alot of money.....but it is TINY
The doctor said she would have to be on it for the rest of her life. She should be getting better soon.
She has a heart murmer.
We love her so much as I know all of you have come to love her as well. Keep Miss Tiny in your prayers.
Here is a picture I took of her at Christmas....She still has energy and is eating and drinking fine.
Doctor more table more chips....and the one that Tiny didn't more tapioca.
But she will be with us.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
IT WAS....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
I'm Alright
Thanks so much for all your love prayers and support.
I guess I just wanted it SO BAD. I know there is a reason I did not pass the first time.
My boss Gary expected it to happen. He said no one passes the first time....but you know me....I like to be different.
I mean they didn't even order a congratulations cake because they KNEW I would fail it the first time.
I didn't know.
But I am ok now.
And THEN..... Gary tells me that on Sunday...the day before I went to class there was an article in Sundays paper that said that the school was a rip off and didn't really teach you what was on the test....
After taking the test I believe this.
I seriously was looking to see if I was even taking the RIGHT test a couple of times because there was at least HALF of it that was never taught in the classes.
I am just going to study the book on my own.
Gary said he had to take it twice and it was in 1970 something when he took it.
Ann had to take it twice too.
I guess God thought if I passed it the first time that they would call me Smarty Pants or something....IDK
Any who.....I am ok now.
Thanks so much for praying for me. It helped me alot....
Speaking of which.....I was nervous because I had to find the testing center which was in another place.
I left in plenty of time and then....the ramp I normally go on was closed for construction. I had to take a detour.....not very clearly marked.....
But I found my way.,
I just want to pass this quickly because I have run out of things to file. I straightened out 26 drawers of stuffed folders.
Now all I will have is the day to day filing and doing quotes and answering the phone. Until I get my license.
I'm Alright!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sending Out A huge Hug and Update
Good Morning Friends!
Well to bring you up to date....
First day of school.....nervous about the drive in to SA and of all things the exit I was suppose to get off on was closed due to an accident.
Went to the next exit and turned around.....everything ok.
THEN....person at work...I won't mention any names...ANN! (LOL)
tells me it will be at Compass Bank....not seeing this name ANYWHERE.....notice bank and maybe the name has changed.....sure enough! Ok at the right place now....
I am an hour early. First student where to sit. Ok here is a stairway....looks good to me. Read until someone gets there.
There are about 20 people in the class. From a 20 year old to a man who is actually a Respiratory Doctor and changing professions.....always good to have a doctor in the house lol.
First day and the instructor is FANTASTIC! I GET everything he is teaching us. ALRIGHT!
Lundh time....where do I go where I can find my way back to class.....ok here is a TGIF (very good but pricy food)
Young man comes to take my order. Would you like a mixed drink?
Well seeing as I dont "drink" and it probably wouldn't be wise to go back sloshed I kindly tell him I only have 1 hour for lunch. He suggests a Bacon Cheeseburger....the thing was bigger than my mouth can open. Only ate half.
It cost me 20.00
Hamburger 8.95
Drink 1.50
Tip the rest of a 20.
Ok I am a sucker for young people working their waythrough school. :) Shh don't tell Rick :)
So I make it back to class and continue learning and GETTING IT!!!!
When I leave school it is dark again. Got there in the dark going home n the dark.....did I mention that I HATE to drive in the dark?
Stop by a gas station on the way home for a drink and write a check. Give the girl my drivers license.
Go home, study and hit the bed.
NEXT DAY....yesterday
Wake up early. Out the door by 5:30am. did that girl give me back my drivers license?
Look.......OMG no.
Go back to the gas station and PRAY the whole way that she put it where I can get it back.
She did.....Thank God!
Get my license and head to SA for second day.
Get there an hour and a half early. Study in car until time for class....Have almost everything from the day before memorized and learned. far so good.
Go to class....different teacher.
She was a very nice person but went WAY TOO FAST for the whole class. She would say the important stuff really fast and then tell us storys/which btw I do enjoy and help me to remember things/ slowly.
I wish the info could have come slower and the stories faster.
At break I notice everyone is having a tough time keeping up.
At lunch two people invited me to go with them.
Made two new friends.
Hard afternoon of trying to keep up.
After school I went by my job and told my new boss Gary....
I was serious....he thought I was kidding.....(I was)
I told him that I am trying with all my heart and brain to learn the material. He told me not to stress and that if I didn't pass the first time I could retake the test.....yeah like I want to make ANOTHER trip to town.....PRAY THAT I PASS IT THE FIRST TIME!!!!! here I sit at my computer when I NEED to be getting ready for the last day of class.
Good NEWS!
The teacher that I understood will be back today and teaching us the rest. It is like 15 long Chapters of stuff and we are on 8.
So today we will finish up and then take a practice quiz.
My test is set for Thursday at 12:30.
So set your clocks and PRAY for me from 12:00-2:30.
Pray in shifts....I will leave it up to yall who prays at which 30 minute time slot.
Thanks to all of you who have given me love prayers and support.
Marla, Linda, Phil, Lisa, Paula, Luddie, Barbara, Sharon and Linda and all others who have read and given me words of prayer and hope.
All my love, Barb
Monday, December 3, 2007
are you kidding?
Hey! What is this? A serious entry from me?
Gotta make it short and sweet though.
I am starting school today and have to leave in 20 minutes. I have to drive myself to San Antonio and on the north side by the airport. Don't know how long it will take so I have to leave early today. I have to be there at 7:30am. I am kinda nervous because I have never driven there before. Once I get there I know school will be fine.
I am going to insurance school. I have to go for the next three days and then hopefully pass a test so that I can sell insurance at my new job. So far I have only been allowed to do quotes and file.
My boss and the other girl had to take the test more than once to pass it.....but beings how I hate to drive to SA you know I will give it all I got to pass it the first time.
It is alot to learn in three short days.
Everything else is about the same.
Eric is still in Austin and needs more hours at work. We had to help him with his rent again this month. I really don't mind, but it would be nice to have that extra money for Christmas. But if he lived here it would go to groceries anyhow,,,and besides that's what Moms and Dads are for right :)...He is a great kid and is working so hard. Just not enough hours being given out.
Rick is still working hard at his job and itching to go hunting. He is probably going this weekend. He has borrowed a gun.
Tiny has been having less spells, but her tummy is getting big...We know she isn't prego.....We just love her all we can.
My mom still needs your prayers. She is going through another round of Chemo.
Dad needs your prayers too. He is trying to do it all.
Please pray for my sis too.
Ok enough.
I gotta go learn something.....sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have just stayed as a cashier and not have the stress of learning something new.....but then again the nights and weekends off have been a blessing.
I have a major soap opera going on that I can't write about yet. Maybe soon.
Stay tuned......
Sunday, November 25, 2007
more than you probably want to know
One Hundred Truths | |
Body: | **QUESTIONS** 1. last beverage- Diet Pepsi 2. last phone call- Eric telling me that he just woke up and was glad I called. He called yesterday to say that he was added to the catering team at work YEAH ERIC 3. last instant message- from Eric saying....Stuffing for turkey? He was asking me if he needed to buy stuff for the dressing for thanksgiving. Didn't need it because Mom got the turkey and dressing from Lubys Eric and I made everything else to go with it. 4. last cd played A CD of some of the bands that play at The Oasis where Eric works. It is a fine dining restaurant that has a live band that plays outside to the people who eat out on the patio. 5. last time you cried- Watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It was about a family who lost both of their parents. 6. what was the last thing you watched? Cold Case SIX HAVE YOU EVER: 1. dated someone twice Of course...if you mean only twice of course 2. been cheated on?- Yes but the way I look at it it was his loss. It was back when I was in high school. My husband who I have been with for almost 27 years now has NEVER cheated on me...I think it is such a loser who cheats on their spouse. 3. kissed someone & regretted it? - Afraid so....almost broke a tooth 4. lost someone special?- Unfortunately yes 5. been depressed? Sure, but not for long. I just pull myself up and ask God to lead me through the storms and he does 6. been drunk and threw up? - Um//yes.....I drank a whole bottle of Strawberry Hill.....not a wise decision......never again... LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 1. Aqua 2. Blue 3. red THIS MONTH HAVE YOU: 1. Made a new friend - my new job I have become great friends with Ann and Gary 2. Laughed until you cried - Many times. 3. Met someone who changed your life - Jesus. At the age of nine. He is the only one who can really change your life 4. Found out who your true friends were? - As far as I can tell 5. Is there something you want to tell someone? I love you all 6. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? I feel closer to you guys sometimes than I do the friends I see everyday 8. Do you have any pets? Tiny and four kitten cats 9. Change your name - If I did I wouldn't know if someone was speaking to me RANDOMS: 1. What did you do for your last birthday?! Went bowling with Rick, Amy and Gilbert. I also sang a song in front of the whole bowling alley. 3. What were you doing at midnight last night?- Sleeping while watching a movie 4. Name something you CANNOT wait for? - Getting to meet some of you 5. Last time you saw your father? - Thanksgiving day. He had a big gash on his forehead because he fell earlier in the day and landed on his weights. 6. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? I wish Eric lived closer to home. I wish me and my big sister could get together and do stuff 8. Have you ever talked to Tom?- Who? 9. Who's getting on your nerves right now? my neice..... 9 1/2. Who is always getting on your nerves? my neice 10. Most visited webpage? 001. Whats your real name- My friends know my name.... 002. Nicknames? Barb Hannah Montana Babs 003. Status - Married 004. Zodiac sign- Aquarius 005. Male or female- Female 010. Natural Hair color - dark brown...believe it or not 11. Long or short hair long 015. Are you health freak? - Nah, but I need to be. 016. Height - 5' 017. Do you have a crush on someone?- Matthew Mc Connaghag 018. Do you like yourself - sure 019. Piercings - ears 020. Tattoo - None. 021.Righty or lefty - Righty. FIRSTS : 022. First surgery - Cesarian 023. First piercing - Ears. 024. First Ever best friend - Matthew and Mark twins in kindergarden 025. First award - long jump 026. First sport you joined - gymnastics 27. First pet - really and she looked just like the original too 028. First vacation- Illinois 029. First concert - UFO 030. First crush - Matthew and Mark LOL CURRENTLY: 049. Eating - nothing 50.Drinking - Diet Pepsi 052. I'm about to - Go to bed 053. Listening to - television....don't know the name of the show....just back ground noise. 055. Waiting for - this survey to finish YOUR FUTURE : 058. Want kids? God already gave me the best one he made...waiting on the 10 grandkids now........ 059. Want to get married- You are a little late with that question seeing as how I have been married over 26 years now, lol. 060. Careers in mind? I guess I am going to be an Insurance Agent HAVE YOU EVER 079. Drank hard liquor- yes 080. Lost glasses/contacts - oh yeah, not a good thing.I lost my contact down the drain and had to wait over two months toget another one...seeing with one eye only. 081. Ran away from home - Once. 084. Broken someone's heart - Yes, but I didn't mean to. 085. Been arrested - NO WAY 086. Turned someone down - Yes a drunk who asked me to dance 087. Cried when someone died - what a stupid question DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. Yourself - Yep. 090. Miracles- Definitely. 093. Santa Claus- Of course!~ 095. Kiss on the first date- Depended on the guy LOL 096. Angels? Of course. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY : 097. Do you love anyone? outside of family and friends? God 098. Had more then one boyfriend/girlfriend at same time? um yes and one of them was Rick but they both knew about it 099. Do you believe in God? With all my heart and soul. 100. Posting this as 100 Truths? mostly |
Friday, November 9, 2007
Name 5
A. Found in my room
C. Found in my Bag
1. Cell phone
2. paid bill receipts
3. change
4. Ibuprofen
5. keys
D. Found in my Wallet
E. I am currently into
1. This hot cup of coffee I am drinking with creme Brule creamer
Friday, November 2, 2007
Yep I'ts Another One
1. Is there someone you wanna date? Matthew McConahy and when I do I will learn to spell his name....only I don't think Rick would let me....maybe if we doubled with him and Jennifer Aniston.....
2. Name one annoying thing? Telemarketers!~And people calling my house for student loans and telling me that I won something only to go and listen to some boring talk and pressure selling condos I can't afford and then winning a trip to Florida only you have to pay for a place to stay there and even if all that was taken care of I couldn't get Rick to go with me....
4. What is your name? Barbara.
5. Name a quote from the song your listening to: Animal Crackers in my soup, animal crackers loop the loop....and I don't even have small children here LOL
6. How is life going for you right now? Pretty good I job better hours Eric is doing well and Rick is too
8. Are you keeping a secret from someone that needs to know the truth?
Yes, but I am not suppose to know about it
9. What are you watching? There is some old preacher on tv but the sound is muted. No wait I think he could be a doctor.nope a preacher
What do you think of your siblings? I miss my little sister very much. She is now an angel in Heaven. I miss my older sister too. She lives in another city. I love her so much and wish I could see her more. Today is her birthday! Happy Birthday Pam!
11. What was the reason you last cried? I was sad this morning when I called Pam to wish her Happy Birthday but I didn't cry..... I guess it was when someone cussed me at my old job
12. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?:
Good morning is what I said to Rick....I told myself...that was a great nights sleep!
13. Last time you couldn't take your eyes off someone?:
Today at work there was the cutest little boy. He recited the Pledge of Alligence for me he was little and could almost say the whole thing.
14. What do most people call you? Barb, Barbara and one little boys swears that I am Hannah Montana.
15. Who is your celebrity crush? Matthew...we discussed this already.
16. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?:
In junior high maybe
17. What do you think of people who don't have sex before marriage?:
I think that they were raised by parents who taught them right from wrong....but....some people aren't that does not make me love them any less.
19. Are you more independent or dependent?:
20. Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?:
Who me?
24. How did you meet the 2nd and 4th person in your top?:
There are no people in my shirt
25. How old are they?:
They are 46 thanks for asking
26. Who will you see tomorrow?:
Rick and Tiny IM OFF!!!!
27. Have you ever been cheated on?:
yes in high school long story and also a couple of times when I played Monopoly with my sister
28. Where will you drive when you drive next?:
Probably the dollar store for cat food....
29 Do you listen to loud music while your driving? When I am with Rick or Eric
30. When was the last time you went to the mall?:
With Eric when I went to Austin
31. What'd you buy?:
nothing.....but then we went to Best Buy and I got some computer games
32. Do you give out second chances too easily?: Yes everyone deserves a second chance
33. Where was your last car ride to and from?:
to work and home
34. Do you hold grudges?:
No because if you hold them too long they pee on you.....
35. Ever felt that no one related to you?:
Once a week
36. Had plans and broke them?
who makes plans anymore besides Martha Stewart
37. Believe in the phrase "dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today"?
yep, but I do tend to be a procrastinator. ::sigh::
38. What is the last book you read? Insurance Text Book
39. What are you reading now?: Insurance Text Book
40. Are you a tease?: no I wear my hair straight
41. Who are you jealous of?: rich people
42. What can always make you laugh? Eric and Tiny and definately Rick when he isn't making me crazy
43. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? Selling insurance
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I'm Here!
I am at my new job now and I love it. Gary is really a fun guy and so is Ann. They are real laid back and have helped me to adapt to what I need to do. I just wanted to say hi and that all is well.
Happy Halloween to you all! xox Barbara
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Linda! Who is she???
She is a clever old lady and manages to keep out of sight for the most part, but whenever I pass a mirror, I catch a glimpse of her. And, whenever I look in the mirror to check my appearance, there she is hogging the whole thing, obliterating my gorgeous face and body. This is Very Rude! I have tried screaming at her, but she just screams back.
The least she could do is offer to pay part of the rent, but no. Every once in a while, I find a dollar bill stuck in a coat pocket, or some loose change under a sofa cushion, but it is not nearly enough.
I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think she is stealing money from me. I go to the ATM and withdraw $100, and a few days later, it's all gone! I certainly don't spend money THAT fast, so I can only conclude the old lady is pilfering from me. You'd think she would spend some of that money to buy wrinkle cream.
And money isn't the only thing she is stealing. Food seems to disappear at an alarming rate - especially the good stuff like ice cream, cookies, and candy. She must have a real sweet tooth, but she'd better watch it, because she is really packing on the pounds. I suspect she realizes this, and to make herself feel better, she is tampering with my scales to make me think I am putting on weight too!
For an old lady, she is quite childish. She likes to play nasty games, like going into my closets when I'm not home and altering my clothes so they don't fit. And she messes with my files and papers so I can't find anything. This is particularly annoying since I am extremely neat and organized.
She has found imaginative ways to annoy me. She gets into my mail, newspapers, and magazines before I do and blurs the print so I can't read it. And, she has done something really sinister to the volume controls on my TV, radio, and telephone. Now, all I hear are mumbles and whispers.
She has done other things, like make my stairs steeper, my vacuum heavier and all the knobs and faucets are harder to turn. She even made my bed higher so that getting into and out of it isa real challenge. Lately, she has been fooling with my groceries before I put them away, applying glue to the lids, making it almost impossible for me to open the jars.
She has taken the fun out of shopping for clothes. When I try something on, she stands in front of the dressing room mirror and monopolizes it. She looks totally ridiculous in some of those outfits, plus, she keeps me from seeing how great they look on me.
Just when I thought she couldn't get any meaner, she proved me wrong. She came along when I went to get my picture taken for my driver's license, and just as the camera shutter clicked, she jumped in front of me!
I hope she never finds out where YOU live!
Meme Time!
Using the third letter of your first name,
answer the following questions: Barbara = R
1. Famous Singer : Rascal Flatts!
2. Four letter word : Rose
3. Street : Road LOL
4. Color : Red
5. Gifts/Presents : Ring
6. Vehicle : Rover
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Rust
8. Boy Name : Rick
9. Girl Name : Riana
10. Movie Title : Rent
11. Drink : Raspberry koolaid
12. Occupation : Raodie
13. Celebrity : Robert Young
14. Magazine : Readers Digest
15. U.S. City : Ranoke....I made that up LOL
16. Pro Sports : Rugby
17. Fruit : Raisen
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Rash
19. Something You Threw Away : Rugs
20. Something You Shout : REALLY!
21. Cartoon Character : Road Runner
22. Song Title: Remember When
Whew! That was tough!
Let me ask you......and tell you just in case you wanted to know
1.Do you wear a name tag at work?
I start a new job tomorrow and it will be the first time in a LONG time that I have NOT had to wear a name will be great. Everyone knows me anyway LOL
2. What kind of car do you drive?
I drive a Ford Explorer that my sister passed on to me when she went to Heaven...I also have a 67 Buick Special and Rick has a green truck......
3. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell?
I LOVE Taco Bell.....but Rick doesn't so I don't get to go there too much, but I love everything there.....And I mean EVERYTHING
4. Have you ever had a garage sale?
Don't have a garage and if I did it would probably be attached to my house and I really do not think I would like people living in my garage if I had one or storing their things there......Now I have had a yard sell. It is ALOT of work and we usually get together with a couple of families and make a day of it and whatever we don't sell goes to charity.
5. What color is your iPod?
iPod? What part of don't have one does everyone not understand....and if I did I would not know how to use it....LOL
6. What kind of dog do you have?
you all know Miss Tiny, my baby....she is part chiwawa and part rat terrier.....which by the way she has been having spells so please keep her in your prayers
7. What's for dinner tonight?
Rick "said" he was going to barbeque the ribs that I thawed out yesterday that he was suppose to barbeque last if not.....leftovers
8. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had
I don't do drugs....
9. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
I don't know....maybe I forgot to charge it up?
10. Last time you were sick?
I just got over being really sick with a terrible cough. I am 100 percent well now but it took me two rounds of antibotic and alot of tp.
11. How long is your hair?
I just cut it recently so it is still pretty long as it is growing back....but I have it layered now so the longest part is to the middle of my back and the shortest part is to my chin wait make that my chest////
12. Are you happy right now?
I am thrilled!!!!! Happy to be starting a new job.....I really should be getting ready for instead of taking this quiz......
13. What did you say last?
Rick called me on the phone to ask me what actor was in the movie we saw last night and then gave me my list of dutys for the day.....silly me I actually thought I would get a day off from everything.....wants me to go pay bills and get the truck I said, "OH ALRIGHT:
14. Who came over last?
Our friend Gilbert and his sister Mary who bought over her dog which Tiny and the cats were extremely rude to.....they helped Rick put some sheetrock on the ceiling....
15. Do you drink beer?
rootbeer....only I would rather have a diet pepsit unless you got icecream.
16. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Yes.....and that I was retarded and a midget.
17, What's your favorite key chain?
The one Eric gave me from his school Texas Culinary Academy
18. What did you get for graduation?
Do you realize how LONG ago that was? I do remember getting money and two statues.
19. What is in your pockets?
Don't have any pockets on right now....
20. Who introduced you t o Dane Cook?
Eric....this guy is FUNNY
22. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?
No but I think they are SUPER CUTE
23. What DVD is in your DVD player?
A Mighty Heart
24. What's something fun you did today?
Sang some songs on (waitressangel) if you care to listen...if not...that's ok too.
25. Who was the principal of your high school?
Mr. Irvin? Heck IDK
26. Has your house ever been TP'd??
All the time when I was in school.....and let me tell you if it rains it is a pain to clean up after.
27. Why do questions always turn up missing?
IDK because computers eat questions.
28. What are you listening to right now?
My computer humming and a while back I heard a train whistle.
29. Drinking?
I already had some coffee, but hot chocolate, sounds's chilly this morning.
30. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
Music or Books
31. When is your mom's birthday?
June 19th
32. When is your birthday?
February 16
33. What's the area code for your cell phone?
if I know ya I'll tell ya the whole thing
36. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now?
Believe it or not I got this shirt at Goodwill. It is a leopard shirt and one of my favorites
37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
Tas and a dolphin....when I drive crazy around a corner it looks like tas is trying to eat the poor dolphin.
39. How many states in the US have you been to? Which ones?
do drive through's count? MS, TX, IL, MO,CA, NM, WIS
ok i had to go make me some cappichino...i am back...
41. What kind of milk do you drink?
I rarely drink milk, but when I do it is 2%.
42. What are you going to do after this?
I have to finish going through my clothes and cleaning my bedroom and then I am...going to pay bills.....grrrr.
43. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
Eric I think
45. What is your favorite fruit?
46. What about your favorite dessert?
Cherry Cheesecake
47. What is something you need to go shopping for?
48. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
49. What kind of car do your siblings drive? IDK
51. Do you like pickles?
52. How about olives?
53. What is your favorite kind of gum?
I don't chew much gum......
54. What is your favorite kind of juice?
55. Do you have any tan lines?
not anymore. LOL
56. What hospital were you born in?
A hospital in Carbondale Illinois
57. What are you going to be for Halloween?
I was thinking about being a crash dummy for my new job....but I don't think that would be appropriate for my first day on the job. LOL
58. Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher
Mrs C
Monday, October 29, 2007
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 package Reese's peanut butter cups
Cream first 6 ingredients together. Add flour, salt, and baking soda and mix well. Roll into balls, dip in sugar, and flatten with fork. Bake at 350 for 10-13 minutes. Another option is to roll into balls and place in a mini muffin tin. Bake at 350 for 10-13 minutes. Immediately place Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in the center while still hot.
Serve with Milk!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I am sooo ready for my new job after today....
I was sceduled to do candy. I got there at 4:50am and got my candy cart. There was a huge stack (over my head) of bottled gallon water in front of it I had to move first. Then a set of stairs....why it was put in front of my candy cart I do not know.
I proceeded to filling the first register with candy and noticed that the day before it was not filled.
At 5:45 a opening cashier is suppose to arrive. Started noticing no one had shown up//// great now I would have to do all the opening dutys and open the store.
There is a list of about 15 things you have to do before opening. It takes more than 15 minutes and I only had 5 by now.
So a few bad words went off in my head and I proceeded to do them.
No one showed up until 7am so I was the only cashier there.
We were extremely busy because this is our homecoming week and there was a parade for today. Many people buying candy, sodas etc.
Finally someone showed up, but it was too busy for a break.
At 9 I got my first break......
I talked to the manager before leaving today and he said that they had cut the opener to save on labor hours.....wrong spot to cut if you ask me....
Anywho he PROMISED that I would have an opener tomorrow morning....
All I can say is they are lucky I am such a dedicated employee even in my last days there because I know alot of people would just call in or not even try to open if no one was there to help.
I had over ten people at one time waiting to check out in the only register available....mine since I was the only one there.
One more day I kept repeating to myself..
No more nights, no more weekends, no more 3 :30 am the morning wake ups and no more trying to do 3 peoples jobs.
I was pulled off of the candy after only doing one. So tomorrow I will have an extra hard time filling the almost empty shelves. Hopefully I will be allowed the time to finish on my last day there.
I will miss the people I work with and alot of my customers.
I will NOT miss rude people, people cussing at me, a certain woman manager.
On to better things.
Now....if I only had a brain.....
This insurance stuff is a challenge to me......but I WILL DO IT!!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My New Job
My new place of employment
My desk and work space
Ann my friend and new co worker
Gary owner new boss and friend
My first day will be October 31st.
They said I could wear anything.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What do I wear?
It has been a long time since I worked in an office....what am I suppose to wear???
It is a country sort of place.......
And then we have todays funny thing that happened.....
We have certain items that are in a basket by our registers and we have to ask EVERY customer if they would like to buy it or they get it for free.
Today I had scruncies in my basket.
Scruncies are the rubber band things you use in your hair to make a pony tail.
I got a kick out of asking the guys if they wanted Scruncies....they would automatically say no.
I would then ask them if they knew what a scruncie was....
One man said....I don't know what it is but if it ain't on the list I can't get it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Got Any Nuts?
Ok so I am still at my old job until Sunday. Today I worked from 7 - 4.
This man came in and bought two cans of almonds. He then gave me two coupons for the items and I scanned the first one....50 cents off.
I scanned the second coupon and nothing happened.
I tried again.
Finally I looked at him and asked....
Sir do you have two nuts?
I can not believe I said that LOL
He was older and didn't catch what I said....
Thank goodness LOL
Friday, October 19, 2007
He Almost Started Crying...
I told my MAIN boss today that I was leaving and his face just dropped. He was so upset. He almost started crying I told him....Don't you dare because if you do I will.
I will miss Mark because he was a great boss. He listened to me when I had a concern. He is good at fixing things between people.
I will miss everyone there alot, but I have to think of my future. He even told me that he himself was going to school and would be leaving soon.
I think this is just God's way of watching out for me.
My last day there will be Oct. 28. I start my new job on Oct. 31.
I guess that will be an easy day to remember when I started :)
I know it is the right path, it will just be hard to say goodbye to some of the people there.
Others I will be happy to be rid of.....
On to bigger and better things.
Mark also said if I do not like it I can always come back that he would hire me back in a heart beat.
That was nice to hear.
He tried to talk me out of it, but realized I was making a smart decision and sent me with his blessings and good luck.
I really don't think I will be going back, but at least if I decide to I will know the door is open for me.
I guess I won't be Employee of the Month anymore......
One of the new girls today told me that I was the nicest one there and that she was so glad to have someone that would help her out.
She was so sad when I told her that I was leaving.
Hopefully the rest of the gang will help the new ones along.
I will of course worry about them.
I will still be able to visit with them when I grocery shop but it won't be the same.
It is hard to say goodbye.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It is sooo awesome to have such great friends here in Jland. I so appreciate all the advice you have all given me. I know I can count on you to keep me on the right path.
Everyone seems to be in agreement that it is time for a change for me. I feel so blessed to have all of you here and in my corner.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I will be giving my definate written notice tomorrow and let God lead me and guide me through my new adventure.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate your comments and affirmations.
Going to go for it guys!
I am sure you will see me more on here as I will have my own computer at work and a whole new set of things to talk to you about.
I have some new pictures of the new room as well to share with you soon.
We have closets and some sheetrock now!
Maybe I will get to use this room before I am 80 afterall!
:) LOVES YA! Barb
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
They Don't Want Me To Leave
I worked today at my grocery store job. I went in at 4:45am to do the candy. At 7 my manager came in and went to her office. I gave her a few minutes to get adjusted and then I went in and told her I would be giving two weeks notice.
Her face fell. She was not a happy camper. She asked what they could do to keep me. I told her about my job offer and she said she would tell the other managers and maybe there would be something they could do to improve my current situation there with different hours and possibly a raise.
I think my mind and body is ready for a change though.
I went after work and talked to my new employer to be. He is very excited to have me coming in as his new staff member. He is ordering me a book for learning the insurance business. He said I would have to go to school for three days and take a test to be licensed. He said he would cover all the cost of the schooling and books.
He asked if there was any way I could start sooner than two weeks. I offered to work there on my day off, but he said everyone needed their days off.
He said he could wait until my two weeks was over.
He gave me an old book to study until mine comes in.
I am kinda scared to study the older one as I might get confused when it comes to the new laws and old laws.
It looks kinda hard, but I am sure if I put my mind to it I can do it.
I will be talking to my current managers again on Friday.
I am off tomorrow and I plan to just relax and enjoy my time off.
I am excited about the change and hope I am making the right move.
My current manager said she really does not want me to leave because I am trained in so many areas in the store....candy pharmacy and cashier.
She said she hated to see me go because I am so good with the customers and they would miss me terribly.
I will miss everyone too, but I think it is time for Barbara to have a new beginning and how can I turn down such a great offer. Schooling paid and the perfect scedule.. Not to mention the fact that Rick and I will be working the same time and have more time together.
I ask for your prayers that I will make the right decisions.
My motto has always been never look I am trying to focus on the future.
I pray God will lead me and guide me.
Also I need prayers for my brain to learn all this new stuff....sure I could just keep doing what I know and go on.....but why.
I think I need to just buck up and get busy learning new things.
What do you think?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
O M G....
I was taking a nap today and out of the blue I got a phone call. It was from my insurance office here in my home town. The owner of the office was calling to offer me a JOB!
Yes you read it right. I did not apply for this job, he just picked me out of the blue.
He asked me if I would be interested in coming to work for him.
My hours would be from 9 in the morning to 5 at night. I would be off during the day for lunch.
I would be off weekends and get two weeks paid vacation a year.
I would be making more money than I am now.
I would have a set scedule.
I could sleep past 5am in the morning
NO more would I have to put up with stuff I have mentioned here before......
It is an insurance office so he could show me the best insurance I could get on my own, I still have not received any benefits from my current job because of their mistake of not sending me the paperwork
He will be sending me to school to become licensed.
How can I go wrong?
I am giving two weeks notice tomorrow....oh yeah even that is cool with him.
I have known my new boss for over 20 years and he knows my personality and how I am with people. He is a sweet considerate man and I have never even seen him in a bad mood.
I am sooooo excited!
I want to scream it to the world!
Yeah me!!!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
A few pictures from my visit to Erics
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Barbara ology
Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
usually around 5 dollars. Highest was 10 dollars twice....
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Pepperoni, Sausage, mushroom and extrA cheese
Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
blueberry and black cheery fruit spread
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
Sunflowers in a field that says Happy Autumn
Q. How many televisions are in your house?
2 that work and 1 that needs an antena
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
my gallbladder, tooth, snot, poop, pee...can someone say TMI LOL
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
the dang flour and dog food at work, not to mention all those bottles of water that weigh like more than me,,,and my back is killing me!
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A nurse od'd me on morphine one time after a surgery on my arm and they had to bring in the crash cart.
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
if I changed my name I wouldn't be me anymore...or would I
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
colors fit better in their box
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
once I swallowed a bee/////
Q. Have you ever saved someone's life?
Actually yes....I saved two little girls from drowning, a little girl from choking and lady in my old restaurant from choking and a guy who had a seizure.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
At the time it happened I really thought so. I was caught up in some rapids and a counselor grabbed me back.....
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
yeah. On the cheek
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
show me the money
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
no.....but maybe for a million
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
don't think so...
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
Q: What is in your left pocket?
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
FLOORS...WHAT ARE FLOORS? The newest floor is in the kitchen. All the other rooms have old three layer linoleum. The new room still has the wood floor and there is carpet in Eric's old bedroom.
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Stand...who sits in the shower?
Q: Could you live with roommates?
yeah, but I'd rather not
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Two pairs of Jesus sandals
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
got stopped one time coming home from karaoke, but since I don't drink......nothing happened....he said I had a tail light out.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't want to grow up.
Q: Who is number 1 on your top 8?
Rick and Eric and Tiny
Q: Last Friend you talked to?
My son Eric
Q: Last person who called u?
Q: Person you hugged?
Q: Number?
Q: Season?
summer if I have a place to swim, spring for the flowers and winter for the cold nights of snuggling.
Q: Missing someone?
Q: Mood?
happy Eric is here!
Q: Listening to?
Ricks truck coming home from work
Q: Watching?
myself type this quiz
Q: Worrying about?
pain in my back
Q: First place you went this morning?
coffeepot....Rick was in the bathroom
Q: What can you not wait to do?
feel Healthy again
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
Death Proof
Q: Do you smile often?
sure as often as I can
Q: Are you a friendly person?
everyone tells me I am.