Monday, October 10, 2005

Job HUnting Is Over!

Today was a sad day it was the viewing of my nephew Jacob.  It was so hard to actually say goodbye.  My son came home for the funeral and I got to hug and kiss him.  He is my world and I thank God for him.  I do have good news...I got a job!!!!  I start Weds. at our local grocery store which is right across the street from my last job.  I am looking forward to a new beginning.  Tomorrow is the funeral and I have to get up early.  One  more day of sadness and then I will begin my new job and things will get better.  Hopefully I will have happy things to write about.  For now, I am going to go and hug my son.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am happy about your job news, but so sorry you had all of this going on at the same time.  Gosh, no wonder you had hives!
