Thursday, November 3, 2005

Day Off? What is That?

Gotta make this short and sweet today. 

 I ended up having to work today.:(. 

 I went in to pay my electric bill at the place where I work....and my manager came over and asked me if I was off today and could I please work...NOOOOOOOOOO

Well being as I just started this job, I decided it would probably not be a good idea to refuse...but I did not want to miss Survivor!!!!!!

I told her I could work until 6.

So I went in and did not get to have my Barbara day....:(

And then after all of that I was so exhausted that I came home and started watching my one and only I must watch show and wouldn't you know it....I fell asleeep. OMG!!!!

Not to mention the fact that right when I got there today me and the other new cashier had to endure the humiliation of being told we needed to be faster.

So one of the checkers that has been there for over ten years decides he is going to work with me and help me pick up the pace....well all this does is make me nervous....

I did pick up my items per minute today but...oh well this story is too long to tell.

Needless to I am frustrated because I now have missed my show and have to go to the website and read about what happened....GRRRR it is not the same!!!!

Tomorrow I work from 4-10.  I hope I have the stamina.

Oh and also I told them that I did not know speed was what they were after.  All the training classes stress customer service.  Silly me, I was actually having a conversation with the people as I checked them out.  NOw that I know speed is the goal I guess I will be forced to say a quick Hi and then speed demon through their stuff as I hurried scan it and throw it to the side.  Am I the only one who does not agree with this?

Not to mention the fact

 that I have 500000000000 numbers I have to memorize to put the produce in at a quicker pace.  Shoot, I am lucky to have my telephone, drivers license, social security numbers and my husbands and sons various numbers in my head...Now I have to memorize all these fruits and vegetables.

Pray for me........................................................................................

a moment of silience for the old lady


okay thanks.

Until tomorrow..... Barbara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think customer service should be what they strive for; at the same time, though, I can see their point of moving people through as quick as they can. I like cashiers to be pleasant and talk with me, at the same time, honestly sometimes I'm in so much of a hurry that I just want out of the store as quick as possible. And sometimes I want to talk more. So its a delicate balance - how much chit-chatting and how much assembly line moving them through? That I don't know based on what your particular store wants you to do. But I think they (the manager) has to be realistic in expections for new employees especially learning all those numbers, etc.
