Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday Seven

Here is my answer to Patricks Sunday Seven (Link to this entry)

  • Personal finance adviser  because I want all the money
  • Chiropractor  don't want to hear peoples bones crack 
  • Biochemist and biophysicist might catch a disease
  • Agent and business manager for artists, performers, and athletes  I want to be the one that is managed
  • Airline pilot, copilot, and flight engineer  too high
  • Geoscientist Yawn
  • Medical and health services manager would not want to turn someone away who needed help but could no afford it.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I like how you commented on why you wouldn't pick those. I agree- too high with the pilot - we have no reason to be up there in the air (I HATE to fly)
